Analyze your Meta Business Suite inbox

Unlock insights
from customer chats

Extract insights from your Meta business
suite inbox to drive strategic outcomes.

How it works

Learn from your customers
in a few simple steps



Begin by downloading your messages from Messenger or Instagram. Use our step by step guides to help. You'll get an email when it's ready.


Offline upload

Once your data is ready, drag and drop it into our application. Our technology works offline, so your data isn't sent to the cloud.



Discover hidden gems from customer chats to elevate your customer experience. Leverage our expertise in chat analysis for consumers to drive insights for your business.

Our proposal

Uncover the voice of
your customers

Write better copy

Distill customer conversations into relatable words for your customers.

Use words that your customers are using, creating a sense of understanding for your customers problems and increase conversion rates.

Customer satisfaction

Quickly analyze customer support chats to gauge customer satisfaction.

Get accurate and actionable data that will help you identify issues and resolve them quickly, leading to happier customers and better retention rates.

Chat metrics

Analyze customer support chats over time to identify trends and patterns.

View valuable insights into the types of issues customers are facing, the frequency with which they're occurring and response times.

Keyword extraction

Extract valuable data from your customer support chats.

Parse through large volumes of support tickets, enabling you to identify key information and trends that can inform your business strategy.

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